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Woodcock Johnson IV: Tests of Achievement (UK & Ireland Edition)
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Chapter 1_Test Structure & Overviews
1.0_Introduction (0:58)
1.1_Description and Applications (7:34)
1.2_Structure of the WJ IV (7:03)
Chapter 2: Getting Started With Your WJIV Test
2.0_Introduction: Getting Started (0:58)
2.1_Overview of WJ IV Testing Procedure (4:55)
2.2_Scoring Overview (1:24)
2.3_Basal, Ceiling Rules & Complete Pages (7:50)
2.4_Observation & Qualitative information (2:50)
2.5_Modifying The Test (2:20)
2.6_Preparing for Testing (1:40)
2.7_Before testing (3:32)
2.8_How to Practise the WJ4 (6:47)
Chapter 3_Subtest Administration & Scoring
3.0_Introduction: Subtest Administration (0:59)
3.1_Test 1: Letter Word Identification & QUIZ (9:57)
3.2_Test 2: Applied Problems & QUIZ (4:47)
3.3_Test 3: Spelling & QUIZ (2:52)
3.4_Test 4: Passage Comprehension & QUIZ (8:03)
3.5_Test 5: Calculation & QUIZ (3:16)
3.6_Test 6 :Writing Samples & QUIZ (15:22)
3.7_Test 7: Word Attack & QUIZ (5:58)
3.8_Test 8: Oral Reading & QUIZ (7:36)
3.9_Test 9: Sentence Reading Fluency & QUIZ (5:04)
3.10_Test 10: Maths Facts Fluency & QUIZ (1:58)
3.11_Test 11: Sentence Writing Fluency & QUIZ (3:40)
Chapter 3: WJIV Scores_Peer Comparison Growth & Skill
3.0_Introduction: Peer Comparison Scores (0:56)
3.1_Normal Distribution (2:27)
3.2_Standard Scores & Confidence Intervals (3:28)
3.3_Stens & Stanines (3:33)
3.4_Percentile Ranks (2:14)
3.5_Age and Grade Equivalents (2:39)
Chapter 4: WJ IV Scores: Measuring Individual Growth & Skill
4.0_Introduction: Proficiency Scores (1:03)
4.1_W Score Overview (3:10)
4.2_The W Scale (4:00)
4.3_Using the W Score (1:40)
4.4_RPI: The Relative Proficiency Index (4:31)
4.5_Using the RPI (2:15)
4.6_Standard Scores & RPI (1:51)
4.7_Case Study: Jeremy (4:49)
4.8_Reporting Achievement & Progress to others (3:01)
4.9_Interpretation of Achievement (3:42)
Chapter 5: Getting Started with Online Scoring
5.0_Introduction: Online Scoring platform (0:46)
5.1_Hand Scoring: Age Equivalence (2:12)
5.2_Overview of Scoring Platform (2:33)
5.3_User Login & Roles (2:33)
5.4_Create Folders (1:38)
5.5_Processing Data & Printing Reports (3:47)
Supplementary: Video Tutorials to Getting Set Up Online (9:49)
About the WJIV
Interpreting Your WJ IV Scores
Reporting Results
Online Scoring: Quick Reference Guides
Applying for Resources in School (UK/Irl)
Course Wrap Up
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3.1_Test 1: Letter Word Identification & QUIZ
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