Gain a professional certificate of competence in educational and psychometric testing.
A teachers guide to applying for Readers, Scribes, Spelling and Grammar Waivers in Ireland
Fostering & promoting well-being in teenagers
School Staff Profesional Development Package
Access to over 40 expert courses for teachers and parents
How to prevent teacher burnout from happening to you
Part 3 of 3 part series: Mental Health and Wellbeing - Supporting Children & Young People
Plenty of tips on how to keep children (& ourselves), safe, healthy & happy during the holidays.
How chronic stress can have a dramatic effect on a child’s ability to manage behaviour
Supporting a child experiencing sensory overload using Positive Behaviour Support
Learning and teaching strategies for identifying and working with above average achievers
Dr Sandra Jack Malik speaks about the importance of immersing a child in experimental talk, audiobooks and; rediscovering the joy of reading to your child
The ultimate guide to early signs, assessment, managing sleep routines, toileting, shopping and more..
All you need to know about how and when number skills develop in children and young persons
Helping you understand the causes, effects and ways to support maths anxiety
Support maths skills and development in all students
learn how executive function skills effect children with ADHD and how to use self regulation to support them in school and home
Supporting the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Children & Young People
Gain practical hands on knowledge of how to use the SPaRCS test and the Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Acheivement when applying for access arrangements in the UK.
Everything you need to know about how to administer and score the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition
Understand how to interpret and report the results of your WISC V assessment
This course is a bundle of our two WISC-V courses: Administration and Scoring and Interpreting Results
Everything you need to know administer and score the WRAT5 competently and confidently
Strategies to support children with Sensory Processing Disorder
All you need to know to administer and score the WJIV Tests of Cognitive Ability
Training in Administration And Scoring - Give your students the best.
A brief overview of how the WJ Cognitive test battery could be used by SpLD assessors in the UK -
Practical advice, tips and evidence based strategies on how to look after your child mental health